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Build a full-stack web app with Kotlin Multiplatform

This tutorial demonstrates how to build a connected full-stack application with IntelliJ IDEA. You will create a simple JSON API and learn how to use the API from a web app using Kotlin and React.

The application consists of a server part using Kotlin/JVM and a web client using Kotlin/JS. Both parts will be one Kotlin Multiplatform project. Since the whole app will be in Kotlin, you can share libraries and programming paradigms (such as using Coroutines for concurrency) on both the frontend and backend.

Using Kotlin throughout the whole stack also makes it possible to write classes and functions that can be used from both the JVM and JS targets of your application. In this tutorial, you'll primarily utilize this functionality to share a type-safe representation of the data between client and server.

You will also use popular Kotlin multiplatform libraries and frameworks:

Serialization and deserialization to and from type-safe objects is delegated to the kotlinx.serialization multiplatform library. This helps you make data communication safe and easy to implement.

The output will be a simple shopping list application that allows you to plan your grocery shopping.

  • The user interface will be simple: a list of planned purchases and a field to enter new shopping items.

  • If a user clicks on an item in the shopping list, it will be removed.

  • The user can also specify a priority level for list entries by adding an exclamation point !. This information will help order the shopping list.

Create the project

Clone the project repository from GitHub and open it in IntelliJ IDEA. This template already includes all of the configuration and required dependencies for all of the project parts: JVM, JS, and the common code.

You don't need to change the Gradle configuration throughout this tutorial. If you want to get right to programming, feel free to move on directly to the next section.

Alternatively, you can get an understanding of the configuration and project setup in the build.gradle.kts file to prepare for other projects. Check out the sections about the Gradle structure below.


Like all Kotlin projects targeting more than one platform, your project uses the Kotlin Multiplatform Gradle plugin. It provides a single point of configuration for the application targets (in this case, Kotlin/JVM and Kotlin/JS) and exposes several lifecycle tasks for them.

Additionally, you'll need two more plugins:

  • The application plugin runs the server part of the application that uses JVM.

  • The serialization plugin provides multiplatform conversions between Kotlin objects and their JSON text representation.

plugins { kotlin("multiplatform") version "1.9.10" application // to run the JVM part kotlin("plugin.serialization") version "1.9.10" }


The target configuration inside the kotlin block is responsible for setting up the platforms you want to support with your project. Configure two targets: jvm (server) and js (client). Here you'll make further adjustments to target configurations.

jvm { withJava() } js { browser { binaries.executable() } }

For more detailed information on targets, see Understand Multiplatform project structure.

Source sets

Kotlin source sets are a collection of Kotlin sources and their resources, dependencies, and language settings that belong to one or more targets. You use them to set up platform-specific and common dependency blocks.

sourceSets { val commonMain by getting { dependencies { // ... } } val jvmMain by getting { dependencies { // ... } } val jsMain by getting { dependencies { // ... } } }

Each source set also corresponds to a folder in the src directory. In your project, there are three folders, commonMain, jsMain, and jvmMain, which contain their own resources and kotlin folders.

For detailed information on source sets, see Understand Multiplatform project structure.

Build the backend

Let's begin by writing the server side of the application. The typical API server implements the CRUD operations – create, read, update, and delete. For the simple shopping list, you can focus solely on:

  • Creating new entries in the list

  • Reading entries using the API

  • Deleting entries

To create the backend, you can use the Ktor framework, designed to build asynchronous servers and clients in connected systems. It can be set up quickly and grow as systems become more complex.

You can find more information about Ktor in its documentation.

Run the embedded server

Instantiate a server with Ktor. You need to tell the embedded server that ships with Ktor to use the Netty engine on a port, in this case, 9090.

  1. To define the entry point for the app, add the following code to src/jvmMain/kotlin/Server.kt:

    import io.ktor.http.* import io.ktor.serialization.kotlinx.json.* import io.ktor.server.engine.* import io.ktor.server.netty.* import io.ktor.server.application.* import io.ktor.server.plugins.compression.* import io.ktor.server.plugins.contentnegotiation.* import io.ktor.server.plugins.cors.routing.* import io.ktor.server.request.* import io.ktor.server.response.* import io.ktor.server.http.content.* import io.ktor.server.routing.* fun main() { embeddedServer(Netty, 9090) { routing { get("/hello") { call.respondText("Hello, API!") } } }.start(wait = true) }
    • The first API endpoint is an HTTP method, get, and the route under which it should be reachable, /hello.

    • All imports that are needed for the rest of the tutorial have already been added.

  2. To start the application and see that everything works, execute the Gradle run task. You can use the ./gradlew run command in the terminal or run from the Gradle tool window:

    Execute the Gradle run task
  3. Once the application has finished compiling and the server has started up, use a web browser to navigate to http://localhost:9090/hello to see the first route in action:

    Hello, API output

Later, like with the endpoint for GET requests to /hello, you'll be able to configure all of the endpoints for the API inside the routing block.

Install Ktor plugins

Before continuing with the application development, install the required plugins for the embedded servers. Ktor uses plugins to enable support for more features in the application like encoding, compression, logging, and authentication.

Add the following lines to the top of the embeddedServer block in src/jvmMain/kotlin/Server.kt:

install(ContentNegotiation) { json() } install(CORS) { allowMethod(HttpMethod.Get) allowMethod(HttpMethod.Post) allowMethod(HttpMethod.Delete) anyHost() } install(Compression) { gzip() } routing { // ... }

Each call to install adds one feature to the Ktor application:

  • ContentNegotiation provides automatic content conversion of requests based on their Content-Type and Accept headers. Together with the json() setting, this enables automatic serialization and deserialization to and from JSON, allowing you to delegate this task to the framework.

  • CORS configures Cross-Origin Resource Sharing. CORS is needed to make calls from arbitrary JavaScript clients and helps prevent issues later.

  • Compression greatly reduces the amount of data to be sent to the client by gzipping outgoing content when applicable.

The artifacts required to use Ktor are a part of the jvmMain dependencies block in the build.gradle.kts file. This includes the server, logging, and supporting libraries for providing type-safe serialization support through kotlinx.serialization.

val jvmMain by getting { dependencies { implementation("io.ktor:ktor-serialization:$ktorVersion") implementation("io.ktor:ktor-server-content-negotiation:$ktorVersion") implementation("io.ktor:ktor-serialization-kotlinx-json:$ktorVersion") implementation("io.ktor:ktor-server-cors:$ktorVersion") implementation("io.ktor:ktor-server-compression:$ktorVersion") implementation("io.ktor:ktor-server-core-jvm:$ktorVersion") implementation("io.ktor:ktor-server-netty:$ktorVersion") implementation("ch.qos.logback:logback-classic:$logbackVersion") implementation("org.litote.kmongo:kmongo-coroutine-serialization:$kmongoVersion") } }

kotlinx.serialization and its integration with Ktor also requires a few common artifacts to be present, which you can find in the commonMain source set:

val commonMain by getting { dependencies { implementation("org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-serialization-json:$serializationVersion") implementation("io.ktor:ktor-client-core:$ktorVersion") } }

Create a data model

Thanks to Kotlin Multiplatform, you can define the data model once as a common abstraction and refer to it from both the backend and frontend.

The data model for ShoppingListItem should have:

  • A textual description of an item

  • A numeric priority for an item

  • An identifier

In src/commonMain/, create a kotlin/ShoppingListItem.kt file with the following content:

import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable @Serializable data class ShoppingListItem(val desc: String, val priority: Int) { val id: Int = desc.hashCode() companion object { const val path = "/shoppingList" } }
  • The @Serializable annotation comes from the multiplatform kotlinx.serialization library, which allows you to define models directly in common code.

  • Once you use this serializable ShoppingListItem class from the JVM and JS platforms, code for each platform will be generated. This code takes care of serialization and deserialization.

  • The companion object stores additional information about the model − in this case, the path under which you will be able to access it in the API. By referring to this variable instead of defining routes and requests as strings, you can change the path to model operations. Any changes to the endpoint name only need to be made here - the client and server are adjusted automatically.

Add items to store

You can now use the ShoppingListItem model to instantiate some sample items and keep track of any additions or deletions made through the API.

Because there's currently no database, create a MutableList to temporarily store the ShoppingListItems. For that, add the following file-level declaration to src/jvmMain/kotlin/Server.kt:

val shoppingList = mutableListOf( ShoppingListItem("Cucumbers 🥒", 1), ShoppingListItem("Tomatoes 🍅", 2), ShoppingListItem("Orange Juice 🍊", 3) )

The common classes are referred to as any other class in Kotlin – they are shared between all of the targets.

Create routes for the JSON API

Add the routes that support the creation, retrieval, and deletion of ShoppingListItems.

  1. Inside src/jvmMain/kotlin/Server.kt, change your routing block to look as follows:

    routing { route(ShoppingListItem.path) { get { call.respond(shoppingList) } post { shoppingList += call.receive<ShoppingListItem>() call.respond(HttpStatusCode.OK) } delete("/{id}") { val id = call.parameters["id"]?.toInt() ?: error("Invalid delete request") shoppingList.removeIf { it.id == id } call.respond(HttpStatusCode.OK) } } }

    Routes are grouped based on a common path. You don't have to specify the route path as a String. Instead, the path from the ShoppingListItem model is used. The code behaves as follows:

    • A get request to the model's path (/shoppingList) responds with the whole shopping list.

    • A post request to the model's path (/shoppingList) adds an entry to the shopping list.

    • A delete request to the model's path and a provided id (shoppingList/47) removes an entry from the shopping list.

  2. Check to ensure that everything is working as planned. Restart the application, head to http://localhost:9090/shoppingList, and validate that the data is properly served. You should see the example items in JSON formatting:

    Shopping list in JSON formatting

To test the post and delete requests, use an HTTP client that supports .http files. If you're using IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate Edition, you can do this right from the IDE.

  1. In the project root, create a file called AddShoppingListElement.http and add a declaration of the HTTP POST request as follows:

    POST http://localhost:9090/shoppingList Content-Type: application/json { "desc": "Peppers 🌶", "priority": 5 }
  2. With the server running, execute the request using the run button in the gutter.

    If everything goes well, the "run" tool window should show HTTP/1.1 200 OK, and you can visit http://localhost:9090/shoppingList again to validate that the entry has been added properly:

    Successful connection to localhost
  3. Repeat this process for a file called DeleteShoppingListElement.http, which contains the following:

    DELETE http://localhost:9090/shoppingList/AN_ID_GOES_HERE

    To try this request, replace AN_ID_GOES_HERE with an existing ID.

Now you have a backend that can support all of the necessary operations for a functional shopping list. Move on to building a JavaScript frontend for the application, which will allow users to easily inspect, add, and check off elements from their shopping list.

Set up the frontend

To make your version of the server usable, build a small Kotlin/JS web app that can query the server's API, display them in the form of a list, and allow the user to add and remove elements.

Serve the frontend

Unless explicitly configured otherwise, a Kotlin Multiplatform project just means that you can build the application for each platform, in this case JVM and JavaScript. However, for the application to function properly, you need to have both the backend and the frontend compiled. In fact, you want the backend to also serve all of the assets belonging to the frontend – an HTML page and the corresponding .js file.

In the template project, the adjustments to the Gradle file have already been made. Whenever you run the server with the run Gradle task, the frontend is also built and included in the resulting artifacts. To learn more about how this works, see the Relevant Gradle configuration section.

The template already comes with a boilerplate index.html file in the src/commonMain/resources/static folder. It has a root node for rendering components and a script tag that includes the application:

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Full Stack Shopping List</title> </head> <body> <div id="root"></div> <script src="shoppinglist.js"></script> </body> </html>

This file is placed in the common resources instead of a jvm source set to make tasks for running the JS application in the browser (jsBrowserDevelopmentRun and jsBrowserProductionRun) accessible to the file as well. It's helpful if you need to run only the browser application without the backend.

While you don't need to make sure that the file is properly available on the server, you still need to instruct Ktor to provide the .html and .js files to the browser when requested.

Relevant Gradle configuration for the frontend

The Gradle configuration for the application contains a snippet that makes the execution and packaging of the server-side JVM application dependent on the build of your frontend application while respecting the settings regarding development and production from the environment variable. It makes sure that whenever a jar file is built from the application, it includes the Kotlin/JS code:

// include JS artifacts in any generated JAR tasks.getByName<Jar>("jvmJar") { val taskName = if (project.hasProperty("isProduction") || project.gradle.startParameter.taskNames.contains("installDist") ) { "jsBrowserProductionWebpack" } else { "jsBrowserDevelopmentWebpack" } val webpackTask = tasks.getByName<KotlinWebpack>(taskName) dependsOn(webpackTask) from(webpackTask.map { it.mainOutputFile.get().asFile }) // bring output file along into the JAR into("static") }

The jvmJar task modified here is called by the application plugin, which is responsible for the run task, and the distributions plugin, which is responsible for the installDist task, amongst others. This means that the combined build will work when you run your application, and also when you prepare it for deployment to another target system or cloud platform.

To ensure that the run task properly recognizes the JS artifacts, the classpath is adjusted as follows:

tasks.getByName<JavaExec>("run") { classpath(tasks.getByName<Jar>("jvmJar")) // so that the JS artifacts generated by `jvmJar` can be found and served }

Serve HTML and JavaScript files from Ktor

For simplicity, the index.html file will be served on the root route / and expose the JavaScript artifact in the root directory.

  1. In src/jvmMain/kotlin/Server.kt, add the corresponding routes to the routing block:

    staticResources("/", "static") route(ShoppingListItem.path) { // ... }
  2. To confirm that everything went as planned, run the application again with the Gradle run task.

  3. Navigate to http://localhost:9090/. You should see a page saying "Hello, Kotlin/JS":

    Hello, Kotlin/JS output

Edit configuration

While you are developing, the build system generates development artifacts. This means that no optimizations are applied when the Kotlin code is turned into JavaScript. That makes compile times faster but also results in larger JS files. When you deploy your application to the web, this is something you want to avoid.

To instruct Gradle to generate optimized production assets, set the necessary environment variable. If you are running your application on a deployment system, you can configure it to set this environment variable during the build. If you want to try out production mode locally, you can do it in the terminal or by adding the variable to the run configuration:

  1. In IntelliJ IDEA, select the Edit Configurations action:

    Edit run configuration in IntelliJ IDEA
  2. In the Run/Debug Configurations menu, set the environment variable:

    Set the environment variable

Subsequent builds with this run configuration will perform all available optimizations for the frontend part of the application, including eliminating dead code. They will still be slower than development builds, so it would be good to remove this flag again while you are developing.

Build the frontend

To render and manage user interface elements, use the popular framework React together with the available wrappers for Kotlin. Setting up a full project with React will allow you to re-use it and its configuration as a starting point for more complex multiplatform applications.

For a more in-depth view of typical workflows and how apps are developed with React and Kotlin/JS, see the Build a web application with React and Kotlin/JS tutorial.

Write the API client

To display data, you need to obtain it from the server. For this, build a small API client.

This API client will use the ktor-clients library to send requests to HTTP endpoints. Ktor clients use Kotlin's coroutines to provide non-blocking networking and support plugins like the Ktor server.

In this configuration, the JsonFeature uses kotlinx.serialization to provide a way to create typesafe HTTP requests. It takes care of automatically converting between Kotlin objects and their JSON representation and vice versa.

By leveraging these properties, you can create an API wrapper as a set of suspending functions that either accept or return ShoppingItems. Create a file called Api.kt and implement them in src/jsMain/kotlin:

import io.ktor.http.* import io.ktor.client.* import io.ktor.client.call.* import io.ktor.client.plugins.contentnegotiation.* import io.ktor.client.request.* import io.ktor.serialization.kotlinx.json.* val jsonClient = HttpClient { install(ContentNegotiation) { json() } } suspend fun getShoppingList(): List<ShoppingListItem> { return jsonClient.get(ShoppingListItem.path).body() } suspend fun addShoppingListItem(shoppingListItem: ShoppingListItem) { jsonClient.post(ShoppingListItem.path) { contentType(ContentType.Application.Json) setBody(shoppingListItem) } } suspend fun deleteShoppingListItem(shoppingListItem: ShoppingListItem) { jsonClient.delete(ShoppingListItem.path + "/${shoppingListItem.id}") }

Build the user interface

You've laid the groundwork on the client and have a clean API to access the data provided by the server. Now you can work on displaying the shopping list on the screen in a React application.

Configure an entry point for the application

Instead of rendering a simple "Hello, Kotlin/JS" string, make the application render a functional App component. For that, replace the content inside src/jsMain/kotlin/Main.kt with the following:

import web.dom.document import react.create import react.dom.client.createRoot fun main() { val container = document.getElementById("root") ?: error("Couldn't find container!") createRoot(container).render(App.create()) }

Build and render the shopping list

Next, implement the App component. For the shopping list application, it needs to:

  • Keep the "local state" of the shopping list to understand which elements to display.

  • Load the shopping list elements from the server and set the state accordingly.

  • Provide React with instructions on how to render the list.

Based on these requirements, you can implement the App component as follows:

  1. Create and fill the src/jsMain/kotlin/App.kt file:

    import react.* import kotlinx.coroutines.* import react.dom.html.ReactHTML.h1 import react.dom.html.ReactHTML.li import react.dom.html.ReactHTML.ul private val scope = MainScope() val App = FC<Props> { var shoppingList by useState(emptyList<ShoppingListItem>()) useEffectOnce { scope.launch { shoppingList = getShoppingList() } } h1 { +"Full-Stack Shopping List" } ul { shoppingList.sortedByDescending(ShoppingListItem::priority).forEach { item -> li { key = item.toString() +"[${item.priority}] ${item.desc} " } } } }
    • Here, the Kotlin DSL is used to define the HTML representation of the application.

    • launch is used to obtain the list of ShoppingListItems from the API when the component is first initialized.

    • The React hooks useEffectOnce and useState help you use React's functionality concisely. For more information on how React hooks work, check out the official React documentation. To learn more about React with Kotlin/JS, see the Build a web application with React and Kotlin/JS tutorial.

  2. Start the application using the Gradle run task.

  3. Navigate to http://localhost:9090/ to see the list:

    New shopping list rendering

Add an input field component

Next, allow users to add new entries to the shopping list using a text input field. You'll need an input component that provides a callback when users submit their entry to the shopping list to receive input.

  1. Create the src/jsMain/kotlin/InputComponent.kt file and fill it with the following definition:

    import web.html.HTMLFormElement import react.* import web.html.HTMLInputElement import react.dom.events.ChangeEventHandler import react.dom.events.FormEventHandler import web.html.InputType import react.dom.html.ReactHTML.form import react.dom.html.ReactHTML.input external interface InputProps : Props { var onSubmit: (String) -> Unit } val inputComponent = FC<InputProps> { props -> val (text, setText) = useState("") val submitHandler: FormEventHandler<HTMLFormElement> = { it.preventDefault() setText("") props.onSubmit(text) } val changeHandler: ChangeEventHandler<HTMLInputElement> = { setText(it.target.value) } form { onSubmit = submitHandler input { type = InputType.text onChange = changeHandler value = text } } }

    The inputComponent keeps track of its internal state (what the user has typed so far) and exposes an onSubmit handler that gets called when the user submits the form (usually by pressing the Enter key).

  2. To use this inputComponent from the application, add the following snippet to src/jsMain/kotlin/App.kt at the bottom of the FC block (after the closing brace for the ul element):

    inputComponent { onSubmit = { input -> val cartItem = ShoppingListItem(input.replace("!", ""), input.count { it == '!' }) scope.launch { addShoppingListItem(cartItem) shoppingList = getShoppingList() } } }
    • When users submit text, a new ShoppingListItem is created. Its priority is set to be the number of exclamation points in the input, and its description is the input with all exclamation points removed. This turns Peaches!! 🍑 into a ShoppingListItem(desc="Peaches 🍑", priority=2).

    • The generated ShoppingListItem gets sent to the server with the client you've built before.

    • Then, the UI is updated by obtaining the new list of ShoppingListItems from the server, updating the application state, and letting React re-render the contents.

Implement item removal

Add the ability to remove the finished items from the list so that it doesn't get too long. Instead of adding another UI element (like a "delete" button), you can allow users to delete an item by clicking it.

To achieve this, pass a corresponding handler to onClick of the list elements:

  1. In src/jsMain/kotlin/App.kt, update the li block (inside the ul block):

    li { key = item.toString() onClick = { scope.launch { deleteShoppingListItem(item) shoppingList = getShoppingList() } } +"[${item.priority}] ${item.desc} " }

    The API client is invoked along with the element that should be removed. The server updates the shopping list, which re-renders the user interface.

  2. Start the application using the Gradle run task.

  3. Navigate to http://localhost:9090/, and try adding and removing elements from the list:

    Final shopping list

Include a database to store data

Currently, the application doesn't save data, meaning that the shopping list vanishes when you terminate the server process. To fix that, use the MongoDB database to store and retrieve shopping list items even when the server shuts down.

MongoDB is simple, fast to set up, has library support for Kotlin, and provides simple, NoSQL document storage, which is more than enough for a basic application. You are free to equip your application with a different mechanism for data storage.

To provide all of the functionality used in this section, you'll need to include several libraries from the Kotlin and JavaScript (npm) ecosystems. See the jsMain dependency block in the build.gradle.kts file with the full setup.

Set up MongoDB

Install MongoDB Community Edition on your local machine from the official MongoDB website. Alternatively, you can use a containerization tool like podman to run a containerized instance of MongoDB.

After installation, ensure that you are running the mongodb-community service for the rest of the tutorial. You'll use it to store and retrieve list entries.

Include KMongo in the process

KMongo is a community-created Kotlin framework that makes it easy to work with MongoDB from Kotlin/JVM code. It also works nicely with kotlinx.serialization, which is used to facilitate communication between client and server.

By making the code use an external database, you no longer need to keep a collection of shoppingListItems on the server. Instead, set up a database client and obtain a database and a collection from it.

  1. Inside src/jvmMain/kotlin/Server.kt, remove the declaration for shoppingList and add the following three top-level variables:

    val client = KMongo.createClient().coroutine val database = client.getDatabase("shoppingList") val collection = database.getCollection<ShoppingListItem>()
  2. In src/jvmMain/kotlin/Server.kt, replace definitions for the GET, POST, and DELETE routes to a ShoppingListItem to make use of the available collection operations:

    get { call.respond(collection.find().toList()) } post { collection.insertOne(call.receive<ShoppingListItem>()) call.respond(HttpStatusCode.OK) } delete("/{id}") { val id = call.parameters["id"]?.toInt() ?: error("Invalid delete request") collection.deleteOne(ShoppingListItem::id eq id) call.respond(HttpStatusCode.OK) }

    In the DELETE request, KMongo's type-safe queries are used to obtain and remove the correct ShoppingListItem from the database.

  3. Start the server using the run task, and navigate to http://localhost:9090/. On the first start, you'll be greeted by an empty shopping list as is expected when querying an empty database.

  4. Add some items to your shopping list. The server will save them to the database.

  5. To check this, restart the server and reload the page.

Inspect MongoDB

To see what kind of information is actually saved in the database, you can inspect the database using external tools.

If you have IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate Edition or DataGrip, you can inspect the database contents with these tools. Alternatively, you can use the mongosh command-line client.

  1. To connect to the local MongoDB instance, in IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate or DataGrip, go to the Database tab and select + | Data Source | MongoDB:

    Create a MongoDB data source
  2. If it's your first time connecting to a MongoDB database this way, you might be prompted to download missing drivers:

    Download missing drivers for MongoDB
  3. When working with a local MongoDB installation that uses the default settings, no adjustments to the configuration are necessary. You can test the connection with the Test Connection button, which should output the MongoDB version and some additional information.

  4. Click OK. Now you can use the Database window to navigate to your collection and look at everything stored in it:

    Use the Database tool for collection analysis

Relevant Gradle configuration for Kmongo

Kmongo is added with a single dependency to the project, a specific version that includes coroutine and serialization support out of the box:

val jvmMain by getting { dependencies { // ... implementation("org.litote.kmongo:kmongo-coroutine-serialization:$kmongoVersion") } }

Deploy to the cloud

Instead of opening your app on localhost, you can bring it onto the web by deploying it to the cloud.

To get the application running on managed infrastructure (such as cloud providers), you need to integrate it with the environment variables provided by the selected platform and add any required configurations to the project. Specifically, pass the application port and MongoDB connection string.

Specify the PORT variable

On managed platforms, the port on which the application should run is often determined externally and exposed through the PORT environment variable. If present, you can respect this setting by configuring embeddedServer in src/jvmMain/kotlin/Server.kt:

fun main() { val port = System.getenv("PORT")?.toInt() ?: 9090 embeddedServer(Netty, port) { // ... } }

Ktor also supports configuration files that can respect environment variables. To learn more about how to use them, check out the official documentation.

Specify the MONGODB_URI variable

Managed platforms often expose connection strings through environment variables – for MongoDB, this might be the MONGODB_URI string, which needs to be used by the client to connect to the database. Depending on the specific MongoDB instance you're trying to connect to, you might need to append the retryWrites=false parameter to the connection string.

To properly satisfy these requirements, instantiate the client and database variables in src/jvmMain/kotlin/Server.kt:

val connectionString: ConnectionString? = System.getenv("MONGODB_URI")?.let { ConnectionString("$it?retryWrites=false") } val client = if (connectionString != null) KMongo.createClient(connectionString).coroutine else KMongo.createClient().coroutine val database = client.getDatabase(connectionString?.database ?: "shoppingList")

This ensures that the client is created based on this information whenever the environment variables are set. Otherwise (for instance, on localhost), the database connection is instantiated as before.

Create the Procfile

Managed cloud platforms like Heroku or PaaS implementations like Dokku also handle the lifecycle of your application. To do so, they require an "entry point" definition. These two platforms use a file called Procfile that you have in the project root directory. It points to the output generated by the stage task (which is included in the Gradle template already):

web: ./build/install/shoppingList/bin/shoppingList

Turn on production mode

To turn on a compilation with optimizations for the JavaScript assets, pass another flag to the build process. In the Run/Debug Configurations menu, set the environment variable ORG_GRADLE_PROJECT_isProduction to true. You can set this environment variable when you deploy the application to the target environment.

Relevant Gradle configuration

The stage task is an alias for installDist:

// Alias "installDist" as "stage" (for cloud providers) tasks.create("stage") { dependsOn(tasks.getByName("installDist")) } // only necessary until https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-37964 is resolved distributions { main { contents { from("$buildDir/libs") { rename("${rootProject.name}-jvm", rootProject.name) into("lib") } } } }

What's next

Add more features

See how your application can be expanded and improved:

  • Improve the design. You could make use of styled-components, one of the libraries that have Kotlin wrappers provided. If you want to see styled-components in action, look at the Build a web application with React and Kotlin/JS tutorial.

  • Add crossing out list items. For now, list items just vanish with no record of them existing. Instead of deleting an element, use crossing out.

  • Implement editing. So far, an entry in the shopping list can't be edited. Consider adding an edit button.

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Last modified: 02 October 2023