Share code on your terms and for different platforms

Kotlin Multiplatform is in Beta!

What is Kotlin Multiplatform?

Kotlin Multiplatform technology simplifies the development of cross-platform projects. It reduces time spent writing and maintaining the same code for different platforms while retaining the flexibility and benefits of native programming.

Kotlin applications will work on different operating systems, such as iOS, Android, macOS, Windows, Linux, watchOS, and others.

It is trusted in production by many of the world’s leading companies, including Philips, Netflix, Leroy Merlin, and VMWare.

Kotlin Multiplatform
Multiplatform survey sharing chart

Single codebase for application logic

Maintain a single codebase for networking, data storage and data validation, analytics, computations, and the other logic of your applications.

Share as much as you want – in a new project or in an existing one

Use Kotlin Multiplatform when you start a new project and implement data, business, and even presentation layers just once.

Kotlin Multiplatform can also simplify the development of existing projects. Choose a piece of logic (for example, data validation, filtering, or sorting), which changes frequently and usually goes out-of-sync, make it cross-platform, and connect it to your project as a micro-library.

Kotlin Multiplatform Share Logic
Multiplatform sharing UI

Go 100% sharing with common UI

Want to go beyond sharing app logic and reuse the whole app code? Sharing the UI is possible with Compose Multiplatform – you can already experiment with sharing the UI between Android and iOS.

Where other technologies abstract away or completely replace platform specific app development, Kotlin Multiplatform is complementary to existing platform specific technologies and is geared towards replacing platform agnostic business logic. It’s a new tool in the toolbox as opposed to replacing the toolbox.

Native and cross-platform development benefits

Share code for logic elements that often fall out of sync while keeping the advantages of native programming, including great app performance and full access to the platforms SDKs

Multiplatform vs native and other cross-platform mobile solutions
Kotlin on Android highlights

Great for mobile: no need to introduce a new language

There’s no need to introduce any new programming languages to your mobile codebase to make your app cross-platform. Kotlin syntax follows the same concepts used for iOS development and is easy for iOS developers to learn.

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A growing ecosystem of multiplatform libraries

The Kotlin Multiplatform ecosystem offers you a great variety of libraries and tools, which simplifies the development of data, business, and presentation layers of your applications.

Multiplatform Mobile app wizard in Android Studio
Jetbrains, Kotlin, Google, and contributors

Developed by JetBrains and open-source contributors

JetBrains has been making professional software development a more productive and enjoyable experience since 2000. Most JetBrains IDEs and Android Studio, which is supported by Google, are built on the IntelliJ platform.

The Kotlin programming language is developed by JetBrains, supported by Google, and open to all contributors.

Cross-platform mobile development: solutions, trends, and frameworks.
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