Ideal for tests
fun main() {
    val name = "stranger"        // Declare your first variable
    println("Hi, $name!")        // ...and use it!
    print("Current count:")
    for (i in 0..10) {           // Loop over a range from 0 to 10
        print(" $i")
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// More than 30% fewer lines of code compared to Java
// (based on the experience of Duolingo and other companies)

data class Book (
    val title: String,                         // + automatically generated equals(),
    val year: Int                              // hashCode(), toString(), and copy()
fun century(year: Int) = (year - 1) / 100 + 1  // Top-level function,
                                               // single-expression body
fun main() {
    val books = listOf(                        // Construct a list
        Book("Don Quixote", 1605),             // No `new` keyword
        Book("The Lord of the Rings", 1955)
    val classics = books.filter { century(it.year) < 20 } // Trailing single-argument lambda
    println("Classic books: $classics")                   // Calls toString() for Book
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